Lee Grigsby

Lee is a Certified Trainer and Certified Health & Life Coach.

Lee’s journey to a healthier lifestyle started around 2014. He has always been an active person and was into sports when I was younger. As an adult, while trying to find ways to work fitness and exercise into my life, he started bike commuting to work as a way to ride more often. This was relatively low impact based on some of the leg injuries he was trying to recover from (several vein procedures, achilles tendinitis, and psoriatic arthritis). As time went on, he continued to try and find ways to increase his activity and stave off the dreaded medication to “fix” my impending health issues. What started as a goal of functional mobility morphed and evolved into running more in 2015 and 2016, doing his first sprint triathlon in 2017, doing his first obstacle course race (OCR) - a Spartan Sprint trail race - in 2018, and completing 10 registered various race events, including his first half-marathon (13.1) in 2019! 

During this physical evolution he began to look at changes for his diet. He was never considered obese in society, (only by true medical standards and definitions) but losing about 30lbs in 2016 made a big difference in his life. Now, he continues to evolve and transform his diet with more plant based eating and work to increase his fitness community ‘families’ to keep his accountable along the way.